In October 2021, the SECREDAS consortium showcased the exciting results of its efforts to bring integrated security, safety and privacy solutions to the autonomous systems markets. By having delivered on-road validation tests that evidence that all three domains can be covered simultaneously, we believe that we have helped the automotive market convince car manufacturers and consumers that connected and autonomous vehicles will be safe to buy, use or share. We also showcased a number of safety and security technologies for rail-road applications and demonstrated the secure and GDPR-proof monitoring and analysis of driver health data via the cloud.
Our contribution was on ensuring that vehicle occupants and other road users remain safe in case a connected or autonomous vehicle is maliciously attacked by an external hacker and several other ‘typical’ use cases. We presented the outcomes of our validation tests, over 40 individual technology components and integrated demonstrators that make up the various solutions. These integrated solutions were subsequently tested in real-live use cases against a range of external threats.
The SECREDAS conference took place on the 19th and 20th of October at the Helmond Automotive Campus (NL) as a fully COVID-19 regulation compliant ‘in-person’ event with over 160 participants. These included SECREDAS consortium members, but also their invited supply-chain guests as well as representatives from various national public and automotive agencies. Part of the conference was also streamed. The conference included a series of which the participants discussed how to further increase consumer acceptance of autonomous driving, the possibilities of cooperative mobility based on C-ITS, and new requirements for standardisation.
SECREDAS ‘in person’ project conference was open to consortium members and invited public and private stakeholders. The registration process is now closed. The conference agenda can still be downloaded below. If you would like any further information about the project or its outcomes, please send an email to
Note on COVID19 compliance during the conference: On the 14th of September 2021, the Dutch government issued new COVID19 rules. These rules, which remained valid until the 1st of November 2021, stated that large indoor seated and non-seated events were allowed to take place. Participants were only allowed to enter the conference building after providing proof of full vaccination, or a negative COVID-test issued less than 24 hours before.
The SECREDAS project featured prominently in a panel discussion during the 2021 GPDP global conference on “Enforcing rights in a changing world”, which was held from 27-29 January 2021. As a world-leading multidisciplinary conference, CPDP offers the cutting edge in legal, regulatory, academic and technological development in privacy and data protection.
Co-chaired by SECREDAS partner organisation Several SECREDAS partners were moderators and speakers during the discussion:
Learn how Collective Perception supports the automotive industry to bridge the era where non-connected and autonomous cars are on the road simultaneously.
When we talk about it, we frequently use the term “the self-driving car” as a singular object – however, the autonomous technology will transform transportation’s nature from individual to cooperative, by allowing the sharing of information, perceptions and intentions between different players, making it possible to solve a traffic situation in a collective way.
V2X (Vehicle-to-everything) is the main enabler of the transformation to Collective Perception.
In this webinar, András Váradi, Research Director of V2X developer Commsignia, provides an overview of the roadmap on what technologies and solutions are aiding autonomous vehicles to share information about not only themselves, but their surroundings as well, making transportation safer and more sustainable.
His presentation outlines Day 1, Day 2 and Day 3 features and introduces Collective Perception Messages as the next big step towards the autonomous vehicle. Váradi also clarifies what kinds of information sharing protocols are available and give an outlook on further technologies that will be based on such shared knowledge, like misbehaviour detection. The webinar will thus also offer a sneak peek into the EU-ECSEL funded “SECREDAS” trial project.
Click the image on the right to view the webinar.
Links: V2X webinar
Commsignia Introduction to Collective Perception PDF
This interactive workshop organized by the ECSEL SECREDAS project, will collect concerns from different stakeholders such as certification bodies, governments, end-users, manufacturers, tier-1 suppliers and discuss directions for future solutions. Several application areas will be addressed among which connected cars, railway, and health systems.
Location: EFECS 2019 Conference Helsinki ( Room will be announced during the EFECS conference. Please check the information boards during the conference.
Link: EFECS Conference 2019 – Helsinki
In this workshop we will discuss safety, cybersecurity and privacy issues related to the automotive and connected autonomous vehicle sector, as well as in Health and Railways. The SECREDAS partners have been active in various standardization committees and working groups in ISO, IEC and ETSI, but also in related standardization work of IEEE and others. Topics relevant to the SECREDAS project included generic safety, cybersecurity standards, domain-specific standards and new upcoming ones concerning smart mobility (c-ITS, AI and functional safety, Connected and ExVe (Extended Vehicle) safety, Safety of automated driving systems), guidelines for personal data management and also ethical aspects of connected and automated driving or of any other highly automated system using AI technology. The workshop will provide an overview of the work and contributions of SECREDAS partners and future aspects to be taken up beyond the SECREDAS project.
Workshop moderator: Erwin Schoitsch, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology
Workshop 3 will discuss how the SECREDAS partners have been able to create a common reference in Risk Analysis and Architecture to satisfy the Automotive ecosystem needs for simultaneous and integrated safety, security and privacy design. Our approach has been based on building on shared best practices and addresses many technical issues identified by multiple stakeholders and companies.
Workshop moderator: Jean-Loup Dépinay, IDEMIA
a) In-vehicle networking components: In this workshop we will showcase the demonstrator for a particular SECREDAS use-case that will “Keep car secure” for the whole vehicle product lifetime. The demonstrator that we created, shows how a rogue command from a safety critical device is blocked. We will also highlight which specific technologies are exploited for a secure firmware-over-the-air update of electronic modules in a vehicle. We will then explain how developed components have been integrated to show the update of the transmission pass list from a selected secure CAN transceiver in response to a field attack.
Workshop moderator: Armand Stuivenwold, NXP Semiconductors
b) Radar 5G and Lidar approaches: In this talk, we first consider a communicating radar system, referred to as a RadCom system, that overcomes the drawbacks of existing radar techniques, while using the same system for inter vehicular communication. In this context we compare conventional orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) with universal filtered multicarrier (UFMC), a new 5G waveform candidate, as a suitable RadCom waveform that offers a good trade-off between performance and complexity. Then we also propose multicarrier code division multiple access (MC-CDMA) as a multiple-access (MA) technique that can offer great performance in terms of multiuser detection and power efficiency. Finally, we study how UFMC f ilter length and MC-CDMA spreading sequences can impact overall performance on both radar and communication separately under a multipath channel.
In other complementary studies, we also explore key algorithmic blocks that could allow multi-carrier mmWave communicating systems to localize multiple vehicles and passive obstacles over V2I links, thus enabling extended and synergetic RadComLoc capabiliies. These features concern e.g., joint beams optimization and resource allocation, the fast estimation of sparse mmWave multipath parameters or simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) algorithms.
Workshop moderator: Sylvie Mayrargue - CEA-LETI
c) Sensing technologies and methods to monitor personal health and driver performance:The driver’s role in autonomous vehicles remains essential as they must take control in case of emergency or system failures. The vehicle’s cockpit will be equipped with systems to monitor the driver’s drowsiness, alertness, stress and distraction. Such systems will rely on continuously measuring the driver’s physiological parameters, including heartbeat, respiration and sweat, as well as the driver’s behaviour and responses. We will discuss different technologies developed in SECREDAS to sense such physiological parameters and to extract information on the driver’s suitability to take control of the vehicle at any time.
Workshop moderator: Miguel Glassee – IMEC Belgium
In this workshop we share the most striking results we obtained from surveying the technology providers and broader stakeholder groups on aspects related to human factors, the wider possible societal implications, and conceivable legal connections. You will also have an opportunity to provide further feedback and comments.
Workshop moderator: Sven Maerivoet, Transport & Mobility Leuven
The SECREDAS partners are proud to present the findings of their technology integration efforts and the live demonstrations that were carried out to validate that we are able to avoid or mitigate a range of security, safety and privacy threats that might otherwise occur when using automated vehicles. We will show how our technologies contribute to higher consumer trust levels in future generations of automated vehicles. All demonstrated technology components and integrated systems during the presentation are also shown and demonstrated in the symposium section of the conference.
The following SECREDAS three integrated technology Demonstrators will be presented:
Demonstration I focusses on six different external threat scenario’s which occupants of automated vehicles might encounter. All mitigation actions shown in the workshop demonstrate how we ensure safe and cyber secure V2X communication to protect the safety of all nearby road users, not just the vehicle under attack. Five threat scenarios were demonstrated on a public intersection directly next to the Helmond Automotive Campus; the final scenario was tested and validated at a dedicated test roundabout in Modena.
Demonstration II targets the safe handling of a situation in which the driver is unfit to take over the control of a semi-autonomous vehicle. The demonstration, including several sub-scenario’s took place at the CSIC testing premises in Madrid.
Demonstration III addresses the issue of secure car sharing. The focus has been to mitigate threats and challenges related to secure authentication and authorization during reservation of a shared vehicle. The actual live demonstration took place at IMA premises in Prague.
Demonstration IV focuses on rail-domain specific secure computing environment aiming for very high safety levels (SIL4). The presented solution takes advantage of virtualization, COTS hardware and cloud technologies to reduce total costs associated with the safety-critical components and solutions.
Demonstration V shows how validation of selected security and safety related scenarios can be performed without risks and costs related to use of cars and public road infrastructure - taking advantage of drones. Presented is the Drone Scenario Builder replication capability of selected scenarios from Demonstration I and use of Drone Security and Privacy Framework to address security and privacy issues related to V2X communications and WAN connectivity. The actual live demonstration is planned to be shown during the conference on a remote location.
The deployment of connected and cooperative services (services based on the exchange of data between vehicles and their surrounding environment and the cloud) is taking momentum following the European initiatives in piloting the deployment of Cooperative ITS services (C-Roads, InterCor based on CEN, ISO and ETSI standards, mass deployment by Volkswagen and road operators). In this workshop, we are going to discuss how SECREDAS followed this trend in addressing the security issues related to vehicle connectivity, both for cloud-based communications, V2X localized communications between vehicles and the roadside infrastructure and IoT devices integration. We will discuss the contributions of SECREDAS in terms of analysis, prototyping, proof of concept, integration, demonstrations and standardization.
In Secredas several user scenarios were developed that cover the crossroads of security, safety and privacy protection. A recap of the 4 automotive scenarios, health scenario, and rail scenario will be given, and the chosen approach to work with these scenarios will be compared to the approaches in other EU projects. Lessons learned from the comparison will be presented in the second part of the workshop. Since 2018, each year an Electronic Components and Systems (ECS) - Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) sets the strategic priorities and technical pathways to enable European industry to become stronger and more competitive. The ECS-SRA acts as a tool to realise an industry-driven, long-term vision of the ECS ecosystem, as well as to match the allocation of programs and resources to different technology challenges. In the final part of the workshop, a reflection of Secredas to the 2018-2021 SRAs will be made.